Improving lives through
better water experiences.
Rethinking Water
Improving lives through
better water experiences.
Rethinking Water

Welcome to Kinetico Export

World-leading water softening and filtration systems for commercial and residential customers.

Brilliantly engineered to be simply the most efficient and effective water softeners, drinking water systems and water filters in the world. Our water experts put their very best thinking into designing water treatment products that remove just about everything from water that isn’t water.

From the beginning we have had our own working method, which we rigorously follow. It is a part of our identity as a company and our guarantee to produce optimum and reliable products in every sense.

Our quality program starts by selecting the raw materials, thus making sure they offer the perfect strength, performance and functionality. We test each equipment during the production process. And, finally, we analyze the treated water to ensure its taste and its composition.




Kinetico was founded in 1989 out of a direct sales company in order to meet a growing market such as research, manufacturing and distribution in the water
treatment area. Our main aim is to meet our clients’ needs by improving their quality of life and the water they use at home, at work or in the industry, as well as preserving such a valued element.

Kinetico invests on R+D+I (Research + Development + Innovation). We have our own laboratory, where water is analysed in order to control the quality in all our products and services. For this reason, we are ready to face the future with our new headquarters in L’ Ametlla del Vallès, where we will be able to continue expanding the service for our clients all around Europe, dedicated to water treatment, distribution and manufacture.

Customize your equipment

We offer you a complete customization service for your RO systems, water softeners, water dispenser, taps, etc. All the elements of your equipment (front or side covers, packaging or user manual) with your brand and corporate colors.

We also offer you the possibility of requesting a physical sample before receiving the final order. Take advantage and make your water treatment equipment 100% unique.

Million (annual billing)

Water for Drinking and Cooking

The water we drink and use to cook is important for our health. By filtering it, we are improving its purity. But before filtering it, it is necessary to choose the right options. The water supply contains harmful components which we should be aware of and treat with the appropriate equipment. Discover which one suits your needs in function of the problems that affect the water from your home.

Enjoy your shower or bath

Soft water in our bath is one of the big differences.
Showering and bathing with softened water is more comfortable: children enjoy a real bubble bath and their skin looks better and is better hydrated. Thanks to the soft water, you will save energy and money. Softeners that respect spaces and are able to produce fast regenerations covering 100% of the needs of homes and commercial installations.

Experience and efforts

Kinetico provides all the necessary human and material resources to offer phone-based technical support, as well as by e-mail and various technologies, to our clients and their technicians in order to resolve the issues and doubts that may arise.

Our company promotes and collaborates in the development of the water treatment sector by playing an active role in different technical committees, as well as national and international working groups, and by providing them the criteria of its recognised experts:

– European Committee for Standardisation CEN TC 164/WG3 “Water conditioning equipment inside buildings”.
– Aqua Espa a. Sectoral Commission. “Water equipment for human consumption”.
– Technical Standardisation Committee from AENOR CTN 149/SC1 “Water Treatment”.
– European Committee for Standardisation CEN TC 164/WG3 “Effects of materials in contact with drinking water”.

Knowing the client’s needs to offer the right product and service. Sales, R&D, Purchasing…

Kinetico has a quality system for the marketing and assembly of water treatment equipment, which is certified and complies with the UNE-EN-ISO-9001 standard, as well as the approval protocols for new components.

Procedures for technical, management and administrative work, according to our protocol endorsed by the ISO 9001 standard.

Interest of the entire Puricom labor force in fulfilling the client’s needs.

Design of safe and reliable equipment, adapted to the client’s needs. Use of components of proven quality.

Internal quality controls at the reception of products and equipment.

Involvement of our partners and suppliers in undertaking the same commitment of quality and service as Puricom. Quality control at origin.