Legal Note

General Information
In compliance with Law 34/2002, July 11th, on Information Society Services and E-Commerce: Holder of the website:

Kinetico SPAIN SLU has its registered address at calle Aiguafreda, 8. Registered in the Barcelona Companies Register, volume 48672, page 41, sheet B94459 and tax identification number B60326279. Contact e-mail address: Through its website provides internet users with information about the company and the services it offers.

Intellectual Property

Kinetico SPAIN SLU all exploitation rights reserved. Intellectual property rights on the full content of this website are the property of Kinetico SPAIN SLU. Its total or partial reproduction, transmission, copy, assignment or broadcasting is prohibited, unless express written authorization is given. It is also prohibited to:

  • Present a page of the website in a window that does not belong to Kinetico SPAIN SLU by means of <framing>.
  • Insert any image displayed on this website on a web page other than that of Kinetico SPAIN SLU by means of
    <in-line linking>.
  • Extract the elements of the website causing any damage to Kinetico SPAIN SLU, in accordance with the
    provisions in force.

Liability for the contents and Links

Kinetico SPAIN SLU assumes no responsibility for any infringements committed by users or any harm
that they may cause due to their use of the website, and reserves the right to update and amend the information
without prior notice. Kinetico SPAIN SLU assumes no responsibility for the content, veracity of, or errors in the links to which you may have access through this website. The sole purpose of these links is to provide the users with
information which may be of interest.

Personal Data: Privacy Policy
All details voluntarily provided by the user through this website will be automatically processed and incorporated into a database property of Kinetico SPAIN SLU This company will be entitled to use this information for advertising information related to its products and services. According to Organic Law 15/1999, December 13th, concerning Personal Data Protection, any user can exercise its right to access, correct, cancel and oppose to personal data
processing, by writing to:

The necessary browser and software for the operation of this website gathers, during normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is inherent to the use of the internet communication protocols. The nature of this information, which is not collected for the purpose of being associated with interested parties, could allow the
identification of users through processing or association with third party data. These data are exclusively used for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information on the use of the website, as well as to control the proper technical operation, and are immediately deleted after its use.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction?

Previous conditions are governed by Spanish Regulations.